
Partner Organisations

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Alongside over sixty schools in Buckinghamshire and the surrounding areas, including Hertfordshire and Hillingdon, Astra is partnered with a number of organisations, all working towards our goal of improving educational outcomes for all.

Bsu master logo two tone lettering blue stack

BC LogoBath Spa University
With a distinguished history in education and teacher training, Bath Spa University is not only the largest provider of teacher training in the South-West but also a leading partner in School Centred Initial Teacher Training working, with fifteen SCITTs across England.



Buckinghamshire Council
We work alongside Buckinghamshire Council in recruiting new teachers to train in primary, secondary and special schools in Buckinghamshire.



LOGO VERTICALAylesbury Grammar School
Aylesbury Grammar School is a community and a family, built upon 425 years of history. As a selective boys school, we inspire  and nurture our students to explore for themselves who they want  to be and find their place in the world. Partnering with Astra SCITT to serve the local area’s needs, AGS leads on Initial Teacher Training in the Aylesbury and North Bucks area, recruiting trainees who have the potential to become excellent teachers.

400logo FINAL (1)Dr Challoner's Grammar School
Dating back to 1624, Dr Challoner's Grammar School is a selective 11-18 boys school with a co-educational Sixth Form, and Astra's lead school. With our offices based in premises owned by the school, Astra SCITT is at the heart of Dr Challoner's aim of working towards educational improvement for all in Buckinghamshire, and teaching staff from Dr Challoner's are involved with all aspects of our taining and include mentors, lead mentors and subject tutors.


Now Teach logoNow Teach
Now Teach is a charity that finds and supports career changers   in teaching, and works in partnership with schools, universities and training providers to support career changers and connect them with a strong professional network to amplify impact and accelerate progress.